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This is an incredible web site. I am amazed at how much you put into it. I'm studying for my Net Essentials cert. This site helps alot!!!
Boss, Your courseware is so simple and understandable that a fresher in this field can also easily master his skills on Windows NT 4.0. Thanx a lot for helping the guys like me who don't have the proper sources but are keen to learn the facts of Windows NT and master on them. Thanx a lot once again for a great help
Thanks for the valuable lessons, I am certain I will benefit from the Networking Nt course. I believe I will be a regular visitor to your site. There is a lot information that will enable me to enhance my knowledge in the networking area. I am planning and self trainning so that I can move into the networking field. Thanks again.
I have been surfing the web for a good 2 years now and this has been the most helpful/useful web site I have come across yet. I spent literally hours sifting through all of your NT information. Thank you very much for providing this web site.
This sight is a relief. I am taking Operating Systems and have been unable to find many really good sources of information on Windows NT 4.0 that I could access without paying a fee. Your tests are very helpful and I have found the materials to be more informative and clear than the Official Microsoft Currriculum that our school maintains on CD-ROM. Thank you for your site and for you interest in providing quality information via the Internet.
What a WONDERFUL site. I've been looking for something like this for awhile now. I work at a corporate help desk and desperately wanted some BASIC information about networking and was unable to find it until I came upon your informative site. Thank you so much!
The entire courseware site is absolutely UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!! There is a wealth of information here that blows my socks off. I have just begun studying for the MCSE certification. It is CBT, but the books I have does not even start you out like this site's format. Particularly on the data communications content. I would like the whole courseware cd, but I cannot afford it. I would like to study it offline because I Know it would complement my course. I am currently unemployed and barely purchased the course I have. However I sincerily thank CIT for making this site and it's content available. With hard work and determination I will achieve my goal. PLEASE do not take this site away!!!
It is very useful as a study guide for me and others who appreciate it's content. An extra very special thanks to Mr. Brian Brown for compiling this information. It had to be a monumental task to complete such a large project and launch it on the web. Thank you!
I stumbled upon this site when trying to decide if I should make a career change into the IT field (specifically NT) Having had a career in a US Government agency's Legal Division, the transition to IT was rather scary (having only home experience; hardware upgrades, memory upgrades etc..). I found this page to be MOST helpful, well written and EASY to follow!!! I am about to attend classes to gain a MCSE and this site was TRULY helpful in enabling me to realize that I would be able to jump into this IT "stuff" and succeed with a career change BRAVO on a GREAT site!!!! (and thanks too, for writing it)
Last modified: March 26, 2003